C.L.G Chill Chartha is again taking part in the ‘My Life Every Step Counts Challenge’ which starts on January 8th and will continue right through to the February 12th. From this Monday, 13th January, the training field in Towney will be lit up from 7-8 for those who would like to walk under the lights.
Déan cinnte go bhfuil tú cláraithe/Make sure your registered! Bí páirteach! Beidh an pháirc pheile oscailte ar an Mháirt le soilse lasta má tá tú ag iarraidh páirt a ghlacadh.
If you are interested in joining us on this challenge please follow the steps below on how to join:
To join:
- Download & Log in to the ‘My Life’ app
- Register your details
- Select Challenge under the Social tab, select Ulster GAA Challenge
- Select join and search in CLG Chill Chartha
- Click CLG Chill Chartha and you are in.
Clubs with the biggest number of total steps are in with a chance of winning a variety of rewards for their club.
If participating, please keep in mind your personal safety and wear some form of reflective clothing during these winter evenings. Spread the word! https://mylife.irishlife.ie/every-step-counts-2025